Thursday, August 14, 2008

Cemetery in Tridell

These are from the Tridell Cemetery where Grandpa was put to rest. Delmond dedicated the grave and everyone pitched in with the actual burial. The rain (and sprinklers) stayed away just long enough for us to finish. It couldn't have been timed any better.

1 comment:

Vietta said...

Uncle Elmond's funeral service was unique and beautiful in every respect. I enjoyed it immensely. Not grieving but celebrating his commencement on to the next life, the next level of growth.
I'm so thankful that you've added the slide show of pictures from the burial services. I wasn't able to attend the burial in Tridell. What a site to see all the family each taking turns in the burial process. I have never seen such a loving act performed by a family. It brought me to tears to see you all so eager and tender in your desire to see your father and grandfather put to rest properly. I just wanted to say, I am proud to be related to such a family. What a gift you all are to me.

Vietta Durfee